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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Poker Bluffing Important of all Poker Rules

Of all poker rules poker bluffing is said to be the most useful, and tough one. If you know how to bluff and also know when to bluff then you would be on the top.

When is it a good time to bluff? Bluff from early instead of the last position. Bluff on small pots instead of the big ones. Bluff when no one will think you would. Obviously, beyond requiring a bit of your theatrical skills and some deceitful bone in your body, bluffing needs a bit of cunning and a lot of analytical prowess. Think of poker bluff like you would murder. Study your prey, contemplate your move and calculate the odds, then time your execution to flawless precision. Do it when you can get away with it. Just like you could go to jail with a death sentence for a lousy murder, you could lose millions in a high-stakes poker game with a lousy bluff.

Poker rules and poker bluffing move on parallel if you don't know about them both, then you would fail to win the game.

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